Saving Health and Care Costs through Housing
Tomorrow, January 22nd, London Rebuilding Society’s (LRS’) CEO, Naomi Kingsley, will be speaking at the Inside Government event, Improving Health and Social Care through Housing. This is a great opportunity to learn how LRS’ unique approach brings savings to health and care costs through Housing.
The layout of CEO Kingsley’s speech includes
- The plight of the hidden poor: older home-owners living in neglected homes, in poverty
- Improving health and well being through a person centred support system – integrating health, care, through making homes safe, warm and future proof
- Illustrating how making homes safe and secure can enable discharge from hospital and care at home
- Mental health and older homeowners – how practical measures can increase independence and self confidence
- Social enterprise innovation, corporate social responsibility and policy commitment: delivering solutions to seemingly intractable problems
CEO Kingsley has over 30 years of experience developing solutions to address market failures and social need. She has also operated at Director and Board level across public, private and third sectors.
As an entrepreneur she has run businesses in the UK and south East Asia. Naomi founded London Rebuilding Society in 2000 after a year in the US on a Harkness Fellowship and has led the business since, creating an exemplary reputation in the industry.
She leads LRS to develop practical solutions to improve housing and well being where the market currently fails, leading to savings to the public purse as well as a visible social impact to homeowners. Indeed homeowners report health improvements, being happier and healthier, as well as socialising more. It is the right time to speak more about the role of housing in improving health.
Other key note speakers include Jeremy Porteus, Managing Director, Housing LIN and Shirley Cramer CBE, Chief Executive, Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
Join the debate online with hashtags #LRSHealthHousing and #IGHealthHousing