London Housing Panel
London Rebuilding Society applauds the new initiative from Trust for London and the Mayor of London to establish the London Housing Panel. This partnership will bring together voluntary and community interest organisations with a particular interest in housing in London.
The primary focus of the Panel will be to engage with housing issues facing London. The Panel will provide the voluntary and community sector with a structured way of engaging with the Greater London Authority (GLA) in relation to housing policy, and vice versa.
Trust for London staff will be responsible for running the Panel, including leading the recruitment process for the Panel Chair and Panel Members, supporting meetings, managing communications and publicity, and supporting the Panel’s members to develop a work programme. Both the GLA and Trust for London are providing funding and in-kind support to help make the Panel work.
The Panel will have an independent, individual Panel Chair and up to 15 London based organisations to be Panel Members. The members will cover a range of perspectives, including Community-led Housing groups, Disabled people, Low-income Londoners, Private Leaseholders.
Full details of both positions and selection criteria can be found here. The deadline for all applications is Tuesday 7 May at 10am.
Appointments will be considered by an independent selection panel and will be announced in June. The term of the Panel is from June 2019 to March 2020.
The independent, individual Panel Chair will provide leadership for the Panel, chair meetings and help Panel Members to develop a work programme and agenda. The Panel Chair will also represent the views of the Panel at the Mayor’s quarterly Homes for Londoners Board and in other suitable forums.
An information event was held at Trust for London on Tuesday 23 April. The presentation from that event is available for download below. For more information about the Panel, click here.